Looking Back On This Day 2015

I’m totally stealing Bushboy’s ideas of going back into the archives to see what was happening on this day in years past. While he used 2014, I had to go to 2015 as I was not blogging the year prior.

Funny to see that 5 years ago I was posting about riding my horse Tucker. Just yesterday I posted HERE about the uncertain future we are facing as it pertains to riding.

To give full credit where credit is due Bushboy was responding to both Debbie’s 6 Word Saturday and Fandango’s Friday Flashback.

This was a great idea and it brought me joy to look back and scroll through those images and words of 5 years ago.

Without further ado, here is that blast from the past post:

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Happy Place.”

One place and one place alone comes to mind…..

Version 2

In the saddle is my happy place!  The zen of riding is like nothing else I have found.


We could be at the beach, the mountains, the park, the greenway or our own backyard.  It really doesn’t matter.


As long as I am looking between those ears….I am happy.

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12 thoughts on “Looking Back On This Day 2015

      1. Our horses are in Wyoming and we only ride in the summer when we’re there. There are people near us in Arizona with horses, but I don’t know where they ride and a good part of the year it’s too hot!

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